Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mom Update: September 19

Mom had her appointment with her oncologist last Friday (Sept 15). A brief summary is as follows:

1. Mom's surgery could be scheduled any time now. She is doing very well and it doesn't appear that they need to wait much longer. (Mom wants to feel that she has regained enough of her strength that she will not contiue to have dizzy spells which she has once in a while).

2. Her platelet count was 134. This is very good. They usually want it to be 140+/- before doing surgery. She will have her blood checked again in 2 weeks. The doctor cut her predizone back to 1/2 of her current dose. She now takes 1/2 pill every other day. So she is slowly being weaned from this medication.

CT Scan: Mom's nuerologist wanted a CT scan of her head and neck area. He felt that her symptoms indicated that she could have some blockage there. This would explain the dizzy spells. She had the CT scan yesterday and the results will be back next Monday. If there is blockage, they will have to go in and clear it out.

Aside from that, Mom seems to be doing very well. She went grocery shopping again on Saturday and out to lunch with Jamelah and me after church on Sunday. She thought she might try going to church this Sunday if she was having a good day. I was glad she went with us it was a beautiful day. Touches of fall everywhere and hard to believe that that time of year is here. Mom gets to go out, so it wasn't like she had been cooped up in the house forever, but this time it was all for fun... no needle pokes and no doctors examining her. We had a good time.

Mom has 2 more appointments with doctors this week. I am trying to keep up with this every week so you will know the latest. Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks again for your prayers and support. There is no question about it. God has been with us through this time.

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