Saturday, January 21, 2006

Whatever Happened to ""

Having a website, is like, well, actually... a lot of work. And really, who wants to do something that qualifies as work without getting paid for it?

But the truth is I had rather put the site "on hold" for a bit. I was headed off for surgery (October 4, I had a total knee replacement), and I was going to be home for a month-a whole month with nothing to do but watch crap on daytime TV. With all that time, I knew I'd get busy and update my site and do all the cool stuff I had been dreaming about doing. But, what really happened is - I had surgery. Wahoooo! It went well. Oh, yeah! I groaned! I moaned! My sister Phyllis, God bless her, came daily and looked after me as did my brother-in-law James. They picked me up at the hospital the day I was discharged and then hauled my sorry self back and forth to here and there (they have this kickbutt Cadillac with a back seat big enough to let me slide in and out without having to bend my are you kidding me this baby is not bending knee - and even took me to physical therapy a couple times.

Now my daughter owns this little Ford Escort, which is a very nice little car and has really been good to us. I knew I wasn't going to be able to be spoiled all the time, so I went out on my first day of therapy, with a determined air began the process of sliding my huge ass into the back of a very little car. We have cloth seats (Phyllis and James have leather seats... over which a large ass can slide without a great deal of work) But with a lot of grunting, gasping, grabing hold of the "oh shit" handle, I finally managed to get myself all the way across the back of the car. I felt as if I'd just run a 26 mile marathon. And with that accomplishment, Jamelah became the designated driver for her crippled, old, invalided mother (bless her heart). Actually, it was rather fun at times. See I could be all laid back in the rear seat, pointing at the kid and yelling "Onward James" (actually, I never did that. Not even once. If I had, I have a feeling I'd still be the invalided old mother stuck forever in my recliner).

Therapy is a 3 times a week gift they give you after joint replacement surgery. The premise being; you go where large hulking men torture you for 1 hour while making you do impossible things with a leg whose muscles have atrophied from lack of use and is now stiff with scar tissue and refuses to do what you tell it to. Then they tell you to repeat the same routine at home - EVERY day. Well, being a determined gal, I managed to follow their instructions and, in fact, was discharged from therapy 2 weeks early because I had achieved the range of motion that was the goal.

But, I digress! This is just other stuff. What I was trying to tell you was what happened to my website. You see, to manage the therapy and just the plain old pain that followed the surgery I was given some very nice pills. I found it easy to sit in my recliner and sleep through boring daytime TV and a lot of boring night time TV too. Add to that a knee that took a few weeks to get to the point where I could bend it enough to sit at my computer and you have a web site that I had planned to play with nonstop, totally ignored. No updating happened. All the fun blogs I created in my mind laying back in my chair staring at the ceiling about my whole experience, never got written. After 5 weeks I was back at work. Although I only have a 4 hr a day job, that was about all the sitting at a desk I could manage. I spent 2 months just checking in on my email and, in most cases, not even bothering to hit the reply or forward button.

In the middle of all that fun I managed to lose my credit card. So when I called the bank they immediately froze my account until a new card could be issued. That was a 2 week period with no card. Not a big deal for me, I hardly use it... except when I am too lazy to walk inside the gas station and choose to pay for gas at the pump... but mostly its used for my on-line purchases. Part of those said purchases was an automatic charge each month to my account for my web page. Actually, it was a small monthly charge about which I never bothered to think and continued to completely ignore. But in the time slot when my card was frozen the attempt to apply this charge was denied, and since I was in the midst of ignoring email, I totally missed the message that there was a problem. When I got around to checking it out.... Alas, alas, was gone. (I learned this when my daughter asked me what had happened to the site, since I had not even bothered to check it out for a couple months). In the meantime I had been keeping a tag on all my emails leading to a nonexistent web address.

My daughter, who had kindly taken care of me after my surgery, explained to me that my blog connection could be changed and I could just forget the whole website business. I decided that was the route I would go. So, here it is. I'm going to try to keep it updated regularly now that I'm sitting here at the computer more often. I will be hosting pictures on a site specifically for that purpose and link to it from the blog, eventually. Although I probably won't put all the pictures up on a host site; I'll try to get some of them back up. By then nearly all of what had been will be back on line.

So, that's the whole sad story. Welcome to the new home of my ongoing babblings. Sign in with a comment and let me know you dropped by.