Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy? Thanksgivings

Well, Thursday came and went as did Black Friday.

Last year our entire family decided getting something close to the plague would be a good idea for the holiday. Mom even wound up in the hospital before it was all over. This year we thought it would be a good idea to not repeat that. However, Phyllis came down with pneumonia and I wound up with a severe cold. So we both stayed away from the family so as not to contaminate them.

Today, I am feeling a bit more human, and actually got up this morning and put the turkey breast I had bought for the feast on to cook. With the small bunch of diners at Mom's on Thursday, I got out of cooking it on then. They were quite content to dine on the ham that Deb brought. And I got the treatment because a big plate was brought home for me to eat. Not feeling good, but still holiday food is great, no matter the circumstances.

Phyllis and James both stayed home and Jamelah also took them goodies.

Jamelah had made her pumpkin cheesecake and bourbon sweet potatoes, so no one suffered from a lack of great food.

Hope you had a great holiday. Today, I'm thinking the worse is over and should be able to get back into the swing by the time work comes around on Monday. I had planned to work yesterday, but, ho hum, thought it wise to stay in. Yeah, sometimes you have to get sick to just stop for a bit.

So, here we are just aroud the corner from Christmas.

I'm not sure how it got here so fast, and I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.

No matter. Happy Holiday Season. Hope it is the best ever.