Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sorry, Just Real People Here!

Just in case this is your first time to read this blog thing, I work as a church secretary. Which is way cool. Our church is anything but typical and this job, like any job, comes with its frustrations. Here lately I have been amazed at the number of people who call and ask for the Pastor and when I explain that he is unavailable, instruct me to give them his "voice mail."

OK... sure, uh, how do I explain this. We don't have that type phone service here at church. It would be nice, but then again maybe not. I then have to explain to them, that I AM Pastor's voice mail and you are more than welcome to leave a message with me and I'll see that he gets it. This seems to leave some people just a little perplexed. "What? I have to talk to a person. Well, I'm used to machines."

At that point I figure, smiling to myself, I can tell them to call right back and I won't answer the phone and will let the "answering machine" pick it up. Which is really a joke, because during my scheduled hours the answering machine is not turned on. Why? Because, I'm expected to answer the phone. And when messages get left on the "machine" who clears it? Oh, that would be me.

Of course, it would be kinda fun to create a fake voice mail message and say "just one moment, please" then wait a second and go into some spiel and wait for them to leave their name and number and write it down on the message pad to pass on to Pastor. I'd mess it up, of course, by saying something absurd after they had finished like "thanks for calling. I'm sure Pastor will be sorry he missed you."

Yep, we're totally not high teck here at our church, at least phone wise. So for the time being I'm going to be the answering device whenever anyone calls. Wait, I have to answer the phone. I wonder if it's for Pastor. I hope not. He's out of the building. Ho Hum!

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