Saturday, September 09, 2006

Mom Update: September 9

It's been a quiet week in Mom's life this week. Only one trip to a doctor's office. Can you imagine? Seems strange with how busy they have kept her the last few months.

This week she went to a nuerologist to have her leg checked to see why she had a problem with it before her surgery. The doctor checked her carefully and agreed with Mom's thoughts that she probably had a slight stroke. So, more tests ahead. They will do a CT on her head and neck area to determine if there are any blood clots. The doctor thinks from the way Mom responded to tests in his office that she may have one in her neck. This will also let him know if she has had a stroke. The CT scan will be this week. But things, doctor wise, are pretty quiet for Mom. Just check-ups and getting stronger every day.

She is feeling more like herself and becoming more independent. She went to the grocery store today, the first real outing she has had in months. She seemed to just enjoy being out and doing regular stuff.

Jamelah is off to Grand Rapids tomorrow for a special bead show (she makes jewelry) and is looking to buy some supplies. She does her first craft show in a couple weeks. This is all exciting. But I had told Mom I figured we could hang out some since the kid would be gone and I'd come up and have lunch with her (I had thought I might get her to go out, maybe?} But, she surprised me by saying she had bought something and was planning to cook lunch for me and have it ready when I got out of church. Well! What do you know about that? I was surprised about some of the groceries she was buying. She has no appetite and has lost weight. Her visiting nurse told her the medication she was on would effect her appetite, but she knows she needs to eat more. Hopefully, making and having someone with her for lunch will help her feel more like eating. She'll have left overs too, I'm sure.

Well, Phyllis and James finally got in some shuffleboard and even won a prize. This is the first chance they have had to play. Everything seems a little more normal and we are thankful for the good medical care Mom has gotten and the assurance we have that God is looking after her.

Mom still feels a little house bound and was really excited by a letter and picture of her sister in California. She enjoys hearing from you all. Thanks for being with her as she goes through this difficult time.

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