Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mom Update

Winter was such a good thing this year, then all of a sudden, for no reason, it got really mean. Our temperatures have dropped to subarctic and we are freezing up here. But, life goes on, and I comfort myself with words that it can't last long. Spring is just around the corner. But, just for the record, it has already lasted too long. And even though the temperature is climbing all the way up to a high today of 17, maybe, well, that just isn't good enough. I want to see some ice melting, dad gum it.

Even if freezing, we still have to keep on with the routine, so yesterday was Mom's doctor day. She had appointments with her oncologist, Dr. Shen, and her primary care physician, Dr. Byrens. She had blood work done last week and x-rays made, so we were ready to hear how things were going.

Dr. Shen was first and he is a talker. Although Mom's platelet count is dropping (92,000) and is considered "abnormal" is is still fine. The test they run to determine the size of her tumor, shows that it is shrinking. A good thing, having gone from a 10 at the time of surgery down to an "8". I'm not sure what those numbers mean, but Dr. Shen seemed very happy with the report. Mom seems to have recovered from her pneumonia and is feeling better than she has in a long time. She returns to Dr. Shen on the 6th of March.

Dr. Byrens also was pleased with the way Mom is doing. He was very encouraging and said since she was doing so well, she would not need to return for 6 months. This puts her new appointment into August. SHe was quite tickled about this, mentioning that she would be almost 93 before she went back to see him again.

She wondered why no one was saying much about surgery anymore, but Dr. Shen had said they would review that in the spring. So for now, all is well and Mom is doing great and we are hoping to continue getting these good reports.

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