Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What! Jury Duty!!!! Not Again.

5 times. Honestly. I have been called for jury duty five times. The last time, about 3 years ago, I figured my jury duty days would not come around again. Once you hit retirement age they let you say "no". Well, I got the papers, again! and read them... and they have raised the age to 70 where you can say "no" and guess what. This is one of those things you can't "just say no" to. They threaten you with arrest, officers beating your door down and jail time for contempt, if you don't show up on your appointed days.

Now, most of the people I know have NEVER been called to do jury duty. Believe me, I ask people this question. That's right. And 2 times before this one, I wasn't the only juror there questioning why they were repeatedly called. When asked for a show of hands as to how many had been called more than once, at least 1/3 of the room raised their hands. Then, the jury boss went into this long explanation how names are selected randomly. What I want to know is how I get to be random so often and many people don't get to be random once. Does this seem fair to you? Bah!

I know I should feel honored to have an opportunity to do my "civic duty" but I just don't anymore. And I probably shouldn't complain, I have been through this process enough to know how to answer the questions to make sure I am not one of the selected few. They do pay us, sort of. $12.50 per 1/2 day and reimburse us for gas at 10 cents a mile. Hey, I could call this my second job, right! Especially with that kind of money to be made. Oh, give me a break. I'm too old for this stuff.

I really hate the inconveninece of having to crawl out of bed early, drive 26 miles in whatever kind of weather is hitting us that day, and then sit around and drink bad coffee and wish I was some where else. I have learned to take a book and a bottle of water (although, new letter says we aren't alowed to bring beverages with us).

I know it will be fun. I can't wait. Oh Drat! Why didn't they send a letter to one of those people who thought sitting on a jury would be interesting. Everyone needs to learn it really isn't.

Oh.... welll.... I wish I could say I felt better after getting that off my chest, but honestly. I don't.

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