Sunday, February 05, 2006

Just A Cup Full Of Yogurt!

the stomach flu made its eminent arrival known with a touch of queasiness during the evening hours. By morning I had all symptoms full on. Not to be deterred I set off for work and managed to get through my 4 hours of hard labor. I Headed home for some chicken noodle soup, sure that normalcy would be returned. It wasn't. The next day was more of the same and I dedicated myself to my old formula of clear liquids. You know the drill. Chicken boullion, jellow, 7up, clear fruit juice. I figured it would take 24 hrs to flush the bug out of my system. I added 2 TBSP of the pink stuff which did nothing to slow down events but did ease the cramping. Despite my efforts the next day I was still trying to figure out why my intestinal track is now shooting green slime out of my body.

By morning on the 4th day I'm sure it is a bacterial infection and will need antibiotics. I call the doctor and make an appointment. I like the idea of dropping a few pounds but this is not the way I'd like to do it... and despite the fact that I really don't have an appetite, I'm weary of the clear liquid goop. I want something else added to the mix.

The doctor empathized with me then recommended that I take 8 ounces ("It can't be less than 8 ounces," he warned) of yogurt. He sent me to the lab for a battery of tests but told me to start the yogurt routine right away. "Yogurt?" I queried. "Does it have to be plain?"

"No!, just so long as it's yogurt. The bacteria in the yogurt will destroy the bacteria in your intestinal tract in many instances. Just try it and see what happens" he instructed.

I can do that... I LIKE yogurt.

I stopped at the grocery store on my way home and filled the cart up with yogurt. Came home and immediately dove into my first cup. I had the 2nd cup for a bedtime snack. I went to bed and slept through the night. The next morning I was still a bit queasy, but decidedly better. I stayed on the yogurt routine. By the next day I was ready to eat something besides soup. I pronounced myself well.

Who would have thought? Well, maybe you knew this stuff, but I sure didn't. I am a new fan of yogurt and have resolved to have a cup of yogurt a day. What harm can it do? Eh, and decidedly it does a lot of good. And I want to share. Just in case you don't know... try a cup o' yogurt. It could cure what ails you.

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