Friday, February 08, 2008

Ten Things I dislike strongly

1. This winter

2. Emails with 5 paragraph forwarding instructions on the bottom, just in case I don't know in my address book who would be interested in this forward, or that I must send to 5 (10 better) or my eyes would go blind, may hair fall out, and I would be miserable. Wait! maybe there is something to that 2nd one.

3. Drivers talking on cell phones. I don't need to expand on this, seriously, do I? These people are always terrible drivers and should be ticketed for endangering the lives of others on the highway. However, is they run off the road and into a tree, well, I guess that would be OK.

4. People on cell phones in the grocery store asking what to buy and wheeling their cart around, blocking the isle, yeah, like the bad driver on a cell!

5. People with cell phones in the movie theatre. Honestly that tiny blue screen lights up the entire theatre. I don't know how. I've just seen it happen.

6. Well, maybe I just hate all people on cell phones in public, chatting away, for no good reason. That is, good reason, as defined by me. Reasons to use phone in public. (a)Letting someone know exactly where you are so you can meet or they can find the table in a busy restaurant. (b) an emergency And that's it! There are no other good reasons.

7. Gas prices that jump right while I am pumping gas and the price on the sign is WRONG. Yes, this has happened to me. I realize that gas prices jump up and down. So, when I go into the station I have accepted the price I will have to pay on the sign. When it turns out it is going to be more than that... well, I don't like that.

8. Being called on the phone during my lunch hour because they did not want to "bother" me at work. Come on! I have 30 minutes to eat this sandwich and get back to work. Don't call me now!

9. Having to do laundry. I don't hate washing clothes. It's an easy task. I just hate that I "have" to do it right now because I am currently out of something. You know, like jeans... or other stuff.

10. Did I mention this winter. Cause I really do hate it. The most. The very most.

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