Monday, May 09, 2005

OCD? Moi? I Think Not!

My daughter has always raised a skeptical eyebrow in my direction due to my eating habits. I like getting my food carefully organized and then going about eating it in sections. In other words, I have to eat all my carrots, then my potatoes, then my meat, or whatever, always saving what I like best for last. And M&Ms ... if I buy a bag, they have to all be sorted by color and then eaten in some order I dictate to myself at the time, usually having to do with beginning with the M&Ms of the least amount. You know if I have 3 yellow, 5 reds, 6 greens... well that is the order in which they must be eaten.

Now, I'm sure you are finding this really fascinating, as would anybody, or you are raising a skepital eyebrow thinking me to be entirely weird. But since I am now taking a break and to go with my cup of coffee, I just bought a bag of animal crackers out of the candy machine... I find myself sitting here sorting my animals so I'll know which one I have the most of this time (it's hippos), I realized this was a fun little oddity about myself and that maybe I'd just share it with you for the heck of it. I quickly made the decision and started typing right after I popped a headless camel into my mouth.... hmmmm, sweet flavored cardboard. yummmmy!

Oh, the headless camel? Well, I have to eat all the broken pieces before I am allowed to start on the intact ones. Wow! I have quite a menagerie this morning. Since you are dying of curiosity, just so you'll know, the fewest ones are ponies, owls and bunny rabbits. I guess I'll eat the bunnies first. But wait! they're so cute, maybe I should save them for last just to be different. Ahhh, decisions.

Please remember, I said this was a little oddity about myself. I am not OCD... at least not a lot! Besides at my age it's OK to wear purple (which I'm doing today) and its OK to have a few little personality quirks. I like all my quirks and plan to keep them. Oh, Would you like a hippo? I have lots.

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