Miss? Surely there's something. Like...
1. The ride to work each morning. It's true. It's a 5 minute drive. Not much huh! But, there is this place on my street that I pass that often makes me gasp. There once was an old factory there which closed. It was torn down by the DNR and the site cleaned up. Now pronouced safe, the city uses it as a soccer field. So it's wide open and looking east each morning I have a new view, unobliterated, of the sky. I'm a sky girl. And right now the timing is perfect. The sun is tinting everything golden and the clouds are tinged in pink. I love this time of day, I love this spot.
2. Coffee. Java Peak is the brand sold by the local gas station and I stop there for my morning caffeine fix. Large coffee (24 oz) with half-n-half. The same people are usually there each morning and we are familiar strangers. We do a corregrpahed dance around each other as we fill our paper cups from the spigots of hot brew. We all seem in good moods although our comments mention the fact that it is still too early to call this a "Good morning!". We complain about the weather, usually, because this is Michigan. Mary and Arlene have been the crew at this station for a long time. Everyting moves smoothly, until some idiot wants to spend his weekly income on lottery tickets, then we all grumble and shift our weight from foot to foot as the checkout line lengthens. I will NEVER buy lottery tickets in the morning at the gas station. That is just rude and inconsiderate. Most people know this. Usually it is a quick in and out. I have perfectly good coffee at home so I don't suppose I'll feel the need to run for a cup in the mornings. But, maybe, once in a while, I'll have to go. Just for that feel of morning commaradierie with my fellow coffee buyers at the gas station.
3. The view from my window. My office is now on the top floor of City Hall. Due to a water problem in the basement we were moved up this summer. The ceiling height in my office is at least 14 ft tall. My windows are 7 ft high. and probably at probably 5 ft wide. Have a mentioned that I am a sky lady. My desk faces the window. I had to close the blind half way because the light flooding in was blinding me. But I have to face it. I have to. You know the glare would make my computer screen completely unreadable. I get lost sometimes sitting here staring out my window. I'm doing it now as I type this. It's a partly cloudy day and the sky stretches on forever and the clouds are fleeing past my window, moving eastward. It's beautiful. It's beautiful now with the rising sun adding golden hi-lights to everything. It's beautiful any time of the day. During weather the mouting clouds climbing mile high are breathtaking to watch. Sometimes I just get lost in ooking out my window the the sky dancing in from of me. It is awesome.
4. Sandee. I love her. She is the secretary to the City Manager and the Director of Human Resources. She is remarkable. She can always make me laugh. And we delight in playing jokes on each other by any means available. She's a great listener. She's good people. She'll be my friend when I leave here, but I shall miss her dopping in to my office for a minute or me sitting in her office just chatting about stuff.
and... I stopped here. I stopped because I would finish this later. It didn't happen. From experience I will say I miss all of the above, probably. We recently had the Christmas potluck and I attended. Soon all conversation turned to work and I was not "in the know". I found myself grinning. It was OK. No more stress about the daily occurrances. I miss it. I miss it. Maybe... once in a while, I think about it. But mostly when I look out my window from home and see the snow covering everything, I don't miss it at all. Welcome to the now, Anne. It is a good place to be.